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Myung Galerie

Holzregal, 3 Ebenen

450,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
Art.Nr.: GAGU 7385


  • Paulownia, Pine, Zlelkova, Plywood
  • 47cm x 31cm x 139cm(H)
 Holzregal, 3 Ebenen, ( 사방탁자 :  Sabangtakja (book and display stand ):

This piece of furniture consisted of wooden posts and boards to make up several tiers of square open shelves, sometimes with a chest occupying one tier. Because of its simplicity it was elegant and suitable even for a small space. Like the "Mungap", it was used to store books and documents and to display
a variety of ornamental items.